What is Collagen and what is it for?

In this article we will tell you what collagen is, why our body needs it and learn about its beneficial properties.

Collagen is a protein that is the main building block of skin, joints, bones, tendons and other tissues in the human body. It can be compared to glue that holds all these tissues together, providing strength and elasticity. It is produced in the body by the body itself, but its production decreases with age, which can lead to decreased skin elasticity, wrinkles, joint problems, etc.

Benefits of collagen include

1. Firming Skin: Collagen helps maintain skin firmness and elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.
2. Maintain healthy joints: Collagen is involved in the formation of cartilage and joint fluid, which promotes healthy joints and prevents wear and tear.
3. Improved hair and nail health: Collagen helps strengthen hair and nails, making them stronger and less brittle.
4. Maintain Bone Health: Collagen is involved in the formation of bone tissue, which helps maintain bone health and prevent weakening.

In addition, collagen can also have positive effects on digestion, skin, sleep and overall well-being.

More information about collagen

Sources of collagen

  • Dietary Sources: Collagen is found in foods such as bone broth, gelatin, bone soups, poultry and fish skin.
  • Supplements: There are additional forms of collagen available in the form of powders, capsules and liquids that can be taken orally to improve collagen levels in the body.

Benefits of collagen for skin

  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and improves skin texture.
  • Moisturizing and refreshing the skin.
  • Maintaining natural levels of firmness and elasticity.

Importance of collagen for joints:

  • Alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Increased joint mobility and reduced wear of cartilage.

Effect of collagen on hair and nails

  •  Strengthening the hair structure and preventing breakage.
  • Improved nail growth and health.

Bone Health Support

  • Increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Acceleration of healing of fractures.

How to increase collagen levels in the body

  • Nutrition: Including food sources of collagen in the diet, such as bone broth, fish, eggs and nuts.
  • Supplements: Taking additional forms of collagen such as powders or capsules.
  • Healthy lifestyle: Maintain an active lifestyle, drink enough water, avoid bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), sleep and moderate exercise.

Remember that results from using collagen may vary from person to person, and it is always recommended to consult a doctor before starting supplementation.




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