The latest news about Italy – 19.03.2024

Italy: Leading in Granting Citizenship in Europe

According to the latest data from Eurostat, Italian citizenship became accessible to a significant number of migrants in 2022. The Ismu Ets Foundation reports that 213,716 individuals obtained Italian citizenship last year, marking a 76% increase compared to 2021. This growth surpasses the average level in the European Union, where 4.3% of residents without citizenship acquired it in their respective countries, compared to 2.6% on average across the EU.


The total number of new citizenships in the EU reached nearly a million people in 2022, indicating a growth of approximately 20% compared to the previous year. Italy emerged as the leader in this regard, granting citizenship to 22% of the total EU citizens. Spain and Germany follow Italy, with 18% and 17% respectively.

Significant growth in the number of new Italian citizens is observed among migrants from various countries, predominantly from Albania, Morocco, and Romania. They constitute a substantial portion of Italy’s citizenship acquisitions. Brazil ranks fourth, along with India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, whose nationals are also actively acquiring Italian citizenship.

It is important to note that youth plays a significant role in this process. Half of the new EU citizens are younger than 31, with 39% of them being under 25. Italy also attracts young people, with 26% of those who obtained citizenship in 2022 being younger than 15. This fosters a dynamic society and demonstrates the country’s openness to new citizens and cultural diversity.

Overall, the increase in citizenships in Italy reflects the country’s attractiveness to migrants and its desire to strengthen its ties with the multinational community. As a country with a rich cultural and historical tradition, Italy continues to attract people from around the world, making its population more diverse and dynamic.


Italian Beer Conquers the Anglo-Saxon Market: +16% in a Year

In 2023, sales of Italian beer in Ireland, the United Kingdom, and the United States increased by 16%, marking an impressive growth for this industry. These findings were published as part of an analysis by Coldiretti based on Istat data, announced for St. Patrick’s Day in March, a day where beer becomes one of the most recognizable symbols.


Exports to these three Anglo-Saxon countries, especially to the UK and the US, where Irish communities are traditionally numerous, account for almost half of the total value of Italian beer exports, which reached close to 280 million euros last year. Beer is a flagship industry, with a booming supply chain of “Made in Italy” establishments. It includes 1182 microbreweries and beer pubs across the country, the number of which has almost tripled in the last 10 years, according to data from the Italian Beer Consortium, created with Coldiretti’s support to showcase the best of Italian brewing. The largest number of them is located in Lombardy (184), followed by Veneto (129), Piedmont (104), Tuscany (89), Campania (81), and Lazio (70). However, significant presence can also be found in other regions.

Attention should also be drawn to related industries, as about 9,300 workers are employed in the Italian craft beer supply chain. Beer consumption in Italy is approaching 38 liters per capita, amounting to 2.2 billion liters in total and valued at 9.5 billion euros. The choice of beer is becoming increasingly sophisticated and conscious over the years, thanks to a variety of flavors and types: flavored, hemp-infused, smoked, Ligurian-style, chestnut, bergamot peel, honey, or with Sicilian oranges.

These findings demonstrate the growing influence of Italian beer on the global market, as well as its significant role in the economy and culture of Italy.


“DiVinNosiola”: Celebration of Wine Culture in the Lagarina Valley

From March 21st to March 30th, the Garada Trentino region will host a unique event called “DiVinNosiola”. This event entails a rendezvous with “passito dei passiti” (special wine), cultural offerings, tastings, and moments in nature, all contributing to the appreciation and tasting of outstanding creations such as Trentino DOC Santo Wine, which is a pride of the region.


This initiative aims to pay homage to the most precious gem of this territory – the local Nosiola grape variety, which evokes emotions and memories, reinforcing the centuries-old winemaking and oenological tradition. The Lagarina Valley, situated between Lake Garda and Lake Trento, serves as the venue for the event. This region, dotted with seven alpine lakes and small villages nestled in a landscape of gardens and vineyards, is not only the event’s location but also where the winemaking community daily passes on its craft, cares for the environment, and improves skills for a sustainable future.

The 14th edition of “DiVinNosiola” will kick off at the Provincial Enoteque of Trentino, Palazzo Roccabruna, on March 21st at 18:30. This event aims to draw attention to the numerous variations of this intriguing and convincing white grape variety. Of particular importance is the tasting of Nosiola wine and aged Vino Santo wines, an exclusive wine for meditation, curated by the Slow Food presidium under the guidance of Andrea Senoner, awarded as Italy’s best sommelier in 2022.

After the harvest in October, the grapes remain on racks for months, where they develop noble rot; meanwhile, the wind of Ora del Garda plays a fundamental role in drying the grapes and imparting a unique aroma to the wine and its derivatives. The anticipation lasts until Holy Week when pressing takes place. “DiVinNosiola, when wine becomes sacred,” offers not only tastings but also theatrical performances, book presentations, shows dedicated to women, nature walks, and journeys through knowledge, flavors, and music.


World Coffee Supplies Under Threat: Crisis Looms Over Global Coffee Production

Coffee reserves worldwide are becoming increasingly scarce. On one hand, climate change complicates raw material extraction, and on the other hand, supply chains are becoming more challenging due to geopolitical shifts. As a result, the familiar cup of coffee, with its characteristics and prices at home and in cafés, may be at risk.


Coffee production is in crisis. Donatella Gena, manager of the food industry at Conartigianato Imprese Arezzo, provides an overview of the situation, summarizing it as “We are in the perfect storm.”

The threat extends not only to the fleeting economic pleasure but also to the jobs of thousands of industry operators: from harvesting to transportation, from processing to distribution, from trading to sales and management. Today’s deficit risks impacting prices at all levels of the supply chain, and in the near future, this could lead to a shortage of products.

Arabica Endures, Robusta in Crisis “This is undoubtedly one of the most delicate moments for the entire sector,” explains Donatella Gena. “On the London market, the price of robusta exceeds $3000, supplies are significantly delayed due to the geopolitical crisis in the Red Sea, and reserves are at historically low levels. While arabica meets market demand, the production deficit of robusta has persisted for the third consecutive year.”

Global coffee production is on a downward slope: according to Conafartigianato’s reconstruction, reserves have never been so low since 1994. Currently, in the event of a deep production crisis, reserves may cover a maximum of 8 weeks of global consumption.

“If such a trend persists, we could face a serious coffee shortage in the second half of the year,” warns Gena. “It should also be emphasized that the profit from selling raw materials does not justify investments in the future for farmers, and therefore it is easy to foresee how they may replace current production with more lucrative crops.” This situation sets the stage for a scenario where future coffee production may decrease worldwide.

World Situation “A few examples regarding exporting countries are necessary,” explains Gena. “In Indonesia, one of the worst crops in history was recorded, and exports were below the historical average. In Uganda, first due to drought, then due to heavy rains, flowers fell off, and temperature rises were followed by the return of parasites. Instead, good news comes from India and Brazil, but on a global level, there remains strong uncertainty regarding production and availability in the second half of the year, with prices on the commodity market never seen in the last thirty years.”

Concerns about coffee shortage complement worries about cocoa scarcity. Donatella Gena calls for “careful consideration on the part of all those responsible for regulating this very complex business.”



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  • Ciampino Airport – Rome – from € 70.-
  • Civitavecchia – Rome – from € 150.-
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