The latest news about Italy – 20.03.2024

Housing Prices in Italy in 2023: Rome, Milan, Turin

In 2023, the Italian real estate market continued its mixed trend. According to the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat), housing prices in the country rose by 1.3% compared to the previous year. This signifies a slowdown in growth compared to previous years when prices were increasing more significantly.


Rome has seen a decline in housing prices since 2010. Over this period, prices have fallen by 22%, which is a significant indicator. In contrast, in Milan, housing prices have grown by 23% over the same period, indicating stable market growth in the city.

A significant factor affecting the housing market in Milan in 2023 was the increase in the cost of living, which led to a halt in mortgage transactions. This resulted in a slowdown in the growth of housing prices in the city. However, the price dispersion turned out to be relatively small for both new and existing residential properties.

In the housing price review published by Istat, it is noted that overall in 2023, there was a moderate increase in housing prices. Prices for new homes increased more significantly (+5.6%) than for existing ones (+0.4%). However, overall housing sales decreased by 10%.

A detailed analysis by regions also shows various trends. In the northern regions of the country, housing prices are growing more steadily, while in the central and southern regions, the growth is less significant. In Milan, housing prices have continued to rise for the eighth consecutive year, although at a slower pace.

Historical analysis also demonstrates interesting trends. Rome continues to experience a decline in housing prices since 2010, whereas in Milan, prices continue to rise, surpassing the 2010 level.

Thus, the real estate market in Italy remains dynamic and diverse, with different trends in various cities and regions of the country.


Rome 1944: Reflections on Democracy and Authoritarianism

In anticipation of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Rome’s liberation from fascist oppression, Italian writer Agias delves into crucial issues regarding contemporary political dynamics in light of past experiences. In his reflections on the book “Rome 1944,” presented as a gift with the newspaper “Repubblica,” he underscores not only the importance of historical context but also its relevance to today’s realities.


Agias’ central thesis revolves around the danger posed by authoritarian tendencies. A time when democratic values are under threat not only in Italy but also in other countries demands special attention to this issue. Fascism, in his view, can manifest in various forms, and thus, one should not solely look for it in the symbolic relics of the past. Instead, attention should be paid to trends that jeopardize democratic principles, making them more susceptible to authoritarianism.

Examining contemporary manifestations of anti-Semitism, Agias emphasizes the need to understand the roots of this phenomenon. He notes that new forms of anti-Semitism may be driven by various factors, including social, political, and cultural aspects. In this context, it is important to maintain vigilance and combat any manifestations of intolerance and discrimination.

Recalling his own experience during wartime when he was a child, Agias calls for preserving the memory of the past and the lessons that can be drawn from it. He underscores the importance of educating the younger generation about history and political lessons to avoid repeating past mistakes.

Finally, Agias shares memories of protest events at the University of Naples, where students rejected attempts to use fascist symbols and spoke out against authoritarianism. This episode serves as an example of active civic engagement and the struggle for democratic values.

In his reflections, Agias calls for conscious and active resistance to authoritarian tendencies and the defense of democratic principles. His words serve as a reminder of the importance of fighting for freedom and justice at all times and in all societies.


Driving a Family Member’s Car: Risks and Possible Penalties

Driving a car registered to a family member may seem convenient and commonplace, especially when you need to get somewhere quickly. However, before taking the wheel, it’s essential to consider the risks and potential consequences.


Italian legislation explicitly states that driving a car not registered to you can lead to serious repercussions, especially if you are not a family member of the vehicle’s owner. If you are stopped by the police or other law enforcement agencies, significant issues may arise.

When you drive a car registered to a family member who does not reside with you, you risk receiving a substantial fine. This is because you will be considered an unrelated individual without the right to operate that vehicle.

If you plan to use the car for more than 30 days, you must notify the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Failure to do so can result in hefty fines, ranging from €516.46 to €2582.28. In the worst-case scenario, your operation of the vehicle may lead to the revocation of its registration documents.

Therefore, before taking a family member’s car, ensure that you understand all legal implications and potential penalties. Driving safely and within the bounds of the law is always important for your personal safety and to avoid legal complications.


Italian Tourism Trends for the Spring Months: Insights and Forecasts

The early Easter, spring breaks, and rainy weather significantly shape the tourism map of Italy for the upcoming spring months. Wonderful Italy, one of the leading players in vacation rental market, conducted a study revealing interesting trends.


According to the report, destinations that are easily accessible for quick trips are gaining popularity, while Sicily, Sardinia, and other remote areas in the south remain in the shadows. This is attributed to the early Easter, which doesn’t allow for long holiday periods, along with the rising inflation.

Particular interest is drawn to historical and artistic cities such as Venice, Turin, Bologna, Genoa, and Naples. Bookings for tours to these cities in April 2024 have increased compared to the previous year. Especially high growth in bookings is noted in cities with lakes, such as Lake Garda and Lake Como, where the increase ranged from 55 to 60 percent.

Michele Ridolfo, CEO of Wonderful Italy, notes that April is always a test period to determine Italians’ desire to vacation. However, this year, the early Easter doesn’t create long weekends, reducing interest in remote destinations like Sicily and Sardinia.

Thus, the spring months in Italy remain a period of active tourism, but preference is given to more accessible historical cities and regions with large lakes. Time will tell how these trends develop in the future.


Tattoos: Hidden Dangers in Inks and Their Impact on Health

Tattoos are becoming an increasingly popular way of self-expression and body decoration. However, despite their widespread popularity, a study conducted by researchers at Binghamton University in New York has uncovered some alarming facts about the composition of inks used for tattoos.


According to the findings of the study conducted in the United States, about 83% of the analyzed inks contain substances that are not listed on their labels. Among these substances, various allergens and even antibiotics may be found. This raises serious concerns about the potential negative health effects.

Of particular concern is the fact that some of the substances identified, such as 2-phenoxyethanol, may pose a danger to children’s health and risk causing allergic reactions in some individuals.

This study raises serious questions about the safety of tattoos and the need for stricter control over the inks used. Such discoveries should draw attention from the tattoo industry and regulatory bodies to this issue.

In conclusion, while tattoos can be a wonderful way of expressing oneself, it is important to pay attention to the composition of inks and ensure their safety before getting a tattoo. Consumers should be informed about potential risks and take precautions to avoid negative health consequences.

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  • Malpensa Airport – Milan – from € 90.-
  • Como – Milan – from € 90.-
  • Bergamo – Milan – from € 90.-
  • Lugano – Milan – from € 140.-
  • Fiumicino Airport – Rome – from € 70.-
  • Ciampino Airport – Rome – from € 70.-
  • Civitavecchia – Rome – from € 150.-
  • Milan – Rome – from € 900.-

*Prices may vary depending on the service provider

Serravalle outlet
Genoa - Portofino
Genoa - Milan
Venice - Treviso Airport
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