The latest news about Italy – 13.03.2024

Cocoa Price Surge: Record Growth and Its Impact on Chocolate and Easter Eggs Prices

In recent months, the price of cocoa has reached historic peaks, soaring to its highest level in the past 46 years. This surge is driven by a convergence of demand, which remains stable, and serious supply issues, primarily due to abnormal weather conditions in West Africa, the main region for cocoa production.


Droughts and excessive rains in West Africa have led to significant damage to cocoa crops. The situation has become so critical that cocoa prices in New York have risen by 57% since the beginning of the year, reaching $6,549 per ton.

However, what keeps demand for cocoa resilient despite sharp price increases? Analysts point to the phenomenon of “compulsive buying.” For consumers, cocoa holds particular significance, leading them to continue purchasing even as prices soar.

This unusual demand dynamic raises questions about forecasts for future cocoa prices. Analysts believe that prices will continue to rise until there is “significant demand destruction.” However, given the resilience of demand and the incredible importance of cocoa to consumers, this scenario may be unpredictable.

The increase in cocoa prices is already beginning to affect the prices of chocolate and Easter eggs. Chocolate manufacturers are forced to raise prices on their products to compensate for the rising cost of cocoa. Consumers can also expect prices for Easter eggs, traditionally associated with the holiday, to increase due to higher production costs.

Thus, the rise in cocoa prices is putting pressure on the prices of chocolate and Easter eggs, which may lead to increased costs for consumers this season. At the same time, uncertainty regarding future demand and supply leaves room for various scenarios to unfold in the future.



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Legality of Prohibiting Customers from Weighing Easter Eggs: Legal Aspects and Practical Recommendations

In recent times, many collectors have taken to weighing Easter eggs in an attempt to anticipate the surprises hidden inside. This practice has elicited a response from supermarkets, which have introduced a ban on using their scales for this purpose. But how lawful is such a restriction?


On one hand, weighing Easter eggs in a supermarket can be seen as a creative experience for collectors. On the other hand, supermarkets have the right to establish rules regarding the use of their equipment. However, can they prohibit customers from bringing their own scales to weigh products?

From a legal standpoint, supermarkets have the right to set rules regarding the use of their equipment. However, they cannot restrict customers’ freedom to use their own scales.

Thus, if customers bring their own scales, weighing Easter eggs in the supermarket is perfectly legal. In such cases, supermarkets cannot prohibit this practice, as it would infringe on consumer rights.

It is important to remember, however, that when weighing products, including Easter eggs, it is necessary to adhere to the established legal norms for weight tolerances. This will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure consumer rights protection.

Therefore, the legality of prohibiting customers from weighing Easter eggs in supermarkets may depend on the specific circumstances of each case and compliance with current legislation. By following the rules and established norms, customers have the right to use their own scales to weigh products



Florence, renowned for its rich historical and cultural heritage, stands as one of Italy’s most coveted destinations. This city offers a unique blend of art, history, and modern living, divided across diverse districts, each with its own unique character. Here’s an overview of Florence’s main districts worth exploring.


Italian Tomato Crisis: How Houthi Attacks in the Red Sea Threaten the Global Economy

Houthi attacks in the Red Sea have led to serious navigation difficulties, affecting global trade and, in particular, the export of Italian tomatoes. The economic damage caused by the blockade of maritime routes has a negative impact not only on Italy’s agro-industrial sector but also on global trade and food supply.


Italian tomatoes, a key component of the Mediterranean diet and Italy’s cultural heritage, have found themselves in a precarious situation due to maritime transportation problems. Over 270 million euros worth of export goods, including tomatoes, have been blocked, representing a significant economic loss for the country.

The situation has become more complex due to the need to bypass the Suez Canal because of the increased threat of terrorist attacks, resulting in increased costs and delivery times for goods. The export of “Made in Italy” agri-food products to Asia, estimated at $5.5 billion, is at risk due to navigation difficulties and Houthi attacks in the Red Sea.

Despite the situation posing a serious threat to Italy’s economy and global trade, the country’s government is actively responding to the crisis. Defense Minister Guido Crosetto has announced the possible deployment of Italian aircraft to participate in the EU’s “Operation Aspides,” aimed at protecting merchant ships from Houthi attacks. This demonstrates the seriousness of the situation and the government’s readiness to take effective measures to protect the country’s economic interests.

The Italian tomato crisis is just one part of a broader problem in global trade that requires a comprehensive solution. Temporary navigation solutions in the Red Sea will not address the root causes of the conflict and terrorist threats, so concerted efforts are needed to achieve a long-term peaceful solution to restore normal functioning of global trade and prevent similar crises in the future

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