The latest news about Italy – 8.03.2024

Tall Women: Advantage or Problem?

The saying goes: “Height is half of beauty.” But what if this aspect of beauty not only doesn’t bring advantages but also can lead to health problems in old age?


A study presented at the American Cardiological Association’s conference in New Orleans drew attention to the question of the influence of height on women’s health. Researchers from Harvard University analyzed data from over 68,000 women to determine if there is a link between height and health in old age.

The results of the study were unexpected. Women with taller stature, with an average height of about 172.2 centimeters, were found to be in a group with a greater risk of experiencing physical problems by the age of 70. On the other hand, women with shorter stature, averaging around 157.5 centimeters, had fewer chances of aging healthily.

Interestingly, researchers also found that a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains could mitigate the negative impact of height on health in old age. This suggests that proper nutrition may play a key role in maintaining health even in the presence of factors that could increase the risk of health problems.

But what about longevity? Here, shorter stature seems to have an advantage. A study conducted by specialists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University showed that shorter women tend to live longer. This is due to the growth hormone and chemical mediator IGF-I, which slows down processes that affect aging.

Furthermore, an analysis conducted by psychologist Gert Stulp showed that men do not pay attention to the height of their partners. On the contrary, they prefer shorter women, feeling more protected and confident around them.

Thus, tall stature in women may not only be a problem for health in old age but also may not bring advantages in personal life. According to research, shorter stature is associated with longevity and may be more attractive to men. So, if you have always felt insecure about your shorter stature, perhaps it’s worth reconsidering your perspective



Overcoming Italy’s Transportation Gridlock: A Path to Sustainable Development and Mobility

Summer in Italy promises to be even more thrilling with the introduction of new attractions at one of the country’s most famous amusement parks – Gardaland Resort. Starting from June, visitors to this paradise can immerse themselves in a world of incredible experiences and mysterious adventures.



Smart Wives and Longevity: A Scientific Insight into the Relationship

Family relationships and their impact on health have long attracted the attention of scientists and social observers. However, often overlooked are the specific aspects of these relationships that can significantly influence the longevity of partners. Recent research sheds light on a surprising fact: marrying an intelligent woman may be one of the key factors in extending husbands’ lives.


In light of the findings from Lawrence Wally of the Aberdeen University’s School of Medicine and Life Sciences (Scotland), it becomes evident that the intellectual stimulation provided by a smart spouse plays a significant role in men’s mental health. Moreover, this stimulation may even prevent conditions such as dementia, underscoring the importance of intellectual development in relationships.

But how exactly can an intelligent woman exert such an influence on her partner? The answer lies in the unique characteristics of the female brain. Scientific research not only confirms its complexity but also reveals its remarkable potential. The female brain possesses the ability for critical thinking, creativity, and depth of understanding, making it appealing to men. Furthermore, women’s empathy and communication skills contribute to maintaining balance and stability in relationships.

Thus, beyond the attractiveness of intellect per se, science confirms that a smart woman can be not just a life companion but also a fountain of longevity for her husband. In a world where superficial qualities often take precedence, this finding calls for a reassessment of values in relationships and recognition of the importance of intellectual development as a key aspect of family well-being.

However, it is worth noting that longevity depends not only on the choice of partner but also on various other factors, such as lifestyle, diet, education, and family support. Nevertheless, understanding the role of intellect in family relationships represents a significant step toward creating healthy and enduring marital unions.

Therefore, intelligent wives can indeed be not only ideal life partners but also the key to their husbands’ longevity



Trentino, an Open-Air Museum: Artworks in the Woods in Harmony with Nature

Trentino, with its enchanting natural landscapes, alpine lakes, mountain streams, and ancient forests, serves as an endless source of inspiration for artists from around the globe. Initiatives like Arte Sella, RespirArt, Bosco Arte Stenico, and others offer paths and trails where art installations, often hidden among the vegetation, engage in dialogue with the surrounding landscape


The Latin concept of “Natura artis magistra,” meaning that nature is the teacher of art, finds tangible realization here. Great artistic talents converge in this place, captivated by its spiritual essence, to create artworks that seamlessly integrate with the surrounding natural environment. These authentic masterpieces can be admired year-round through festivals, concerts, installations, and exhibition routes immersed in greenery, offering a unique experience that allows one to see, hear, and touch the fruits of the union between art and landscape.

Arte Sella, located in Valsugana, was born as a hidden path among the trees of an ancient forest, dotted with artworks made exclusively from natural materials. Over its almost forty-year history, it has transformed into a captivating open-air museum that has seen different artistic languages, sensitivities, and inspirations converge, united by the common desire to create a continuous dialogue between creativity and the beauty of the territory. Over three hundred international artists have used branches, leaves, stones, grass, and tree trunks to create extraordinary works that harmoniously blend with the surrounding landscape, offering an outdoor exhibition that changes with the seasons.

RespirArt, located in Pampeago, hosts an art park at altitude where the works of internationally renowned artists merge, at over 2,000 meters above sea level, with the majestic Dolomite peaks of Latemar. Through a 3 km loop tour that winds between Rifugio Monte Agnello and Rifugio Casarina, visitors can discover unique artistic installations, some of which are also visible from the “Agnello” ski slope of the Ski Center Latemar. Every summer, new installations are created, some of which return to nature during the winter, while others remain visible throughout the year, offering a different view of the Dolomites in each season.

Bosco Arte Stenico, located in Valli Giudicarie, offers a path through the woods where contemporary art works merge with the surrounding nature. The 2024 edition celebrates music, exploring the symbolic language of art through works hidden among the grass, trunks, and branches. This path also offers the unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the music of natural environments, creating a complete sensory experience that tells the story of these lands through sounds and art forms.

In conclusion, Trentino reaffirms itself as an open-air museum, where artworks seamlessly blend with nature, offering an unforgettable experience that stimulates the senses and soul of anyone privileged to visit these enchanted lands



Exclusive Day Tour from Milan to the Enchanting Lake Como

Discover the magic of northern Italy with our exclusive tour that offers a unique glimpse into the beauty of the lake region, combining luxury and convenience. In this journey, you will experience an unforgettable car ride in a spacious Mercedes VAN, designed for the comfort of groups up to 6 people



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