Ferrari in 2023: Record Financial Achievements and Future Perspectives

A Year of Triumphs for Ferrari

The year 2023 proved to be highly successful for Ferrari, the Italian manufacturer of premium automobiles, concluding the year with impressive financial results. Ferrari’s net profit reached a landmark of $1.25 billion, marking a 34% increase compared to the previous year. This remarkable outcome is not only reflected in substantial financial growth but also influences the dynamics of the company’s stocks, which surged by a noteworthy 10%.

Financial Metrics: Analyzing the Annual Report

  • Net Revenue and Profitability: Ferrari demonstrated an increase in net revenue by 17.2%, reaching a total of $5.97 billion. The profitability, measured by EBITDA, stood at an impressive 38.2%, while EBIT showed a notable 27.1%.
  • Production and Sales: In 2023, 13,663 vehicles were manufactured and sold, an increase of 442 compared to the previous year. This significant growth can be attributed to a robust order portfolio and a successful strategy across various regions worldwide.
  • Expenditures and Research & Development: Increased industrial expenditures and investments in research and development, including activities in Formula 1, played a crucial role in the company’s growth.
  • Financial Expenses and Debt: Net financial expenses reduced to $15 million due to higher liquidity profitability. The company also decreased its net industrial debt, showcasing financial stability.


Statement from the CEO and Future Plans

The CEO of the company, Benedetto Vigna, emphasized that 2023 was highly successful, strengthening the brand and resulting in unprecedented financial outcomes. Vigna expressed confidence in executing the industrial plan, which continues to progress according to a carefully outlined route.

It is crucial to note that the record results of 2023, ambitions for 2024, and outstanding visibility in the order portfolio allow Ferrari to look towards the future with greater confidence, setting high targets for 2026.

Ferrari aims for impressive financial performance in 2024, anticipating a adjusted EBITDA of no less than 2.45 billion euros and revenue exceeding 6.4 billion euros. Company representative, Vigna, expressed optimism regarding prospects for 2026, where financial indicators may approach the upper bounds of medium-term forecasts.

Against these ambitious goals, Ferrari’s shares continue to show growth on the Milan Stock Exchange, confirming investor confidence. The company’s market capitalization over the last 12 months has surged by an impressive 37.6%, reaching around 79.6 billion euros.

However, despite positive dynamics, careful monitoring of the market environment remains crucial, as sector volatility may impact long-term strategies and company forecasts

Conclusion: Ferrari’s Successes and Perspectives for the Coming Decade

In 2023, Ferrari showcased not only impressive financial growth but also solidified its brand in the global automotive industry. With ambitious goals set for the future and successful execution of current plans, the company is gearing up for new challenges and triumphs in the upcoming decade




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